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Mitsubishi Electric to Launch 200Gbps PIN-Photodiode Chip for Next-Gen Optical Transceivers

Published: 9.12.2024

Mitsubishi Electric is making a major technological breakthrough in data centers with the announcement that it will start shipping samples of its new 200Gbps PIN-photodiode (PD) chip on October 1, 2024. The chip is designed for next-generation optical transceivers and can support ultra-high-speed 800Gbps and 1.6Tbps fiber communication, expected to significantly improve data transmission in high-capacity communication systems, especially in data centers where fast and efficient data flow is essential.

This new addition to Mitsubishi Electric’s optical device portfolio will complement existing devices that only support optical transmission at these high speeds. Introducing this receiver chip will now allow both transmission and reception of data at 800Gbps and 1.6Tbps, expanding the overall communication capacity of optical transceivers. Such advancements are key to meeting the growing data demands of cloud computing, AI, and increasing global connectivity.

The chip incorporated innovative design features such as backside illumination and a light-accumulating convex lens. These features minimize the photoelectric conversion area, leading to low capacitance, which enables the high-speed 200Gbps transmission (112Gbaud PAM4), twice the speed of current mainstream products.

The move comes on the heels of Mitsubishi Electric’s launch of a mass-produced 200Gbps (112Gbaud PAM4) electro-absorption modulator laser diode (EML) earlier this year, further solidifying the company’s position at the forefront of high-speed optical communication technology.

This breakthrough will play a critical role in advancing high-speed, high-capacity fiber communications, particularly for data centers that need to handle ever-increasing data loads efficiently and quickly.

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