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Volkswagen in Talks with Tesla to Adopt Its Charging Standard

Published: 7.5.2023

Volkswagen is in talks with Tesla to adopt its North American Charging Standard (NACS). The move would allow Volkswagen vehicles to use Tesla's Supercharger network, which is the largest and fastest public charging network in the United States.

Volkswagen has been a vocal critic of Tesla's charging strategy in the past, arguing that it is not in the best interests of consumers. However, the company has since softened its stance, and it is now clear that Volkswagen sees Tesla's Supercharger network as an asset.

The NACS is a new charging standard that Tesla developed in collaboration with other automakers. It is designed to be more efficient and easier to use than the existing CCS standard. Tesla has already begun installing NACS chargers at its Supercharger stations in North America.

If Volkswagen and Tesla reach an agreement, it would be a major breakthrough for the electric vehicle industry. It would make it easier for Volkswagen customers to charge their vehicles, and it would also help to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles.

Why is this important?

The adoption of electric vehicles is one of the most important challenges facing the automotive industry today. One of the biggest barriers to adoption is the lack of a standardized charging infrastructure. By adopting Tesla's NACS, Volkswagen would be taking a major step towards addressing this challenge.

What are the implications?

If Volkswagen and Tesla reach an agreement, it could set a precedent for other automakers to follow. It could also lead to the development of a more unified charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in North America. This would be a major boost for the electric vehicle industry and could help to accelerate the transition to a cleaner transportation future.

What's next?

It is still too early to say whether Volkswagen and Tesla will reach an agreement. However, the fact that they are even talking about it is a positive sign. It shows that both companies are willing to work together to address the challenges facing the electric vehicle industry. If they can reach an agreement, it would be a major victory for the industry and could help to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles.

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